Help Spread the Word!

Dear Friends of Discovering the Word of Wisdom:

The Word of Wisdom teaches simple principles that each of us must interpret for our own lives. If you know of others who may find a whole food, plant-based approach useful in understanding how to eat a healthier diet, please feel free to share the resources on this site. The easiest way to share may be to encourage others to watch the 12-minute video:

Discovering the Word of Wisdom: A Short Film

Here are a few other ways to help. Please consider one or more that appeal to you!

1. Share the joy you have experienced by eating a healthy diet with family and friends. Share your copy of the book with them and/or let them know where they can get their own copy.

2. Encourage others to check out the Discovering the Word of Wisdom website. Share this site on your Facebook page, Pinterest site, blog, or other website.

3. “Like” the Discovering the Word of Wisdom Facebook site. I make announcements about the book and website here.

4. Share your story (or recommend the story of someone you know) on the Discovering the Word of Wisdom website. Sharing our stories is a great way we can support each other! I will assist you in getting the story ready to be published.

5. Write a review of the book to encourage others to take a look:


Google Books:


6. If you know bloggers or media people, let them know about the book. If they have an audience, I can give them a book to review. Also let me know about blogs or other websites, or LDS newsletters where there may be an interest in reviewing the book.

7. Subscribe to the Discovering the Word of Wisdom website to receive new stories and share them with others (see the subscribe feature on main page, right side).

8. If you are fluent in another language and are willing to translated the short film or translate even a small part of the book into that language, please contact me! I hope to make at least a small part of the book available in several different languages.

Thanks so much!!

Jane Birch, Author

Contact me here

Last updated: October 6, 2016


  1. I’m ordering the book tonight! I’m so excited and know there is truth in this. I’ve always struggled with hearing “philosophies of men” or experts that conflict with the basic truths of the word of wisdom. I loved your story about the cover and know that it is true that our ancestors are helping us all the time.
    Do you ever come and speak?
    Where do you live?

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