“The Word of Wisdom has never been more important than it is right now”

By Michael Crowley

My journey into the plant-based lifestyle seems trivial in light of many other stories I’ve read about here. Still I hope it’s one that gives encouragement to those just starting out like I was not so long ago. I am very motivated and excited about sharing the benefits I’ve experienced with others.

I remember reading about Jane Birch’s experience where she said something like, “Some people get an answer about the Word of Wisdom before even praying about it.” That was pretty much my experience in a nutshell. My wife and I had been going through some challenges. On the evening of Sunday, April 14, 2019, I prayed not for help but to recommit myself to the Lord. Then something miraculous happened. Later that evening, while scrolling on social media, I came across a friend’s post with a link to a video on Netflix called What the Health. Usually I would have just kept scrolling, but I felt for some reason I should check it out. As I watched the video, things started to click for me. The Word of Wisdom was suddenly front and center in my thoughts to the extent that it felt as if God was suddenly speaking to me.

Even though I had not been in good health, I really had not even been thinking about the Word of Wisdom at all. While watching the video, the beam in my eye of “vegans being strange” was removed, and my mind was suddenly open to the message being shared. I clearly recognized the health issues presented as the same ones I had previously thought of as the normal effects of aging or bad luck. I now understood what was causing them, and I was impressed at how many of the chronic diseases that had impacted my extended family over the years were being addressed.

Again the Word of Wisdom had not even been on my thought horizon that evening, but the Lord was mindful of me. He surely knew where I was headed health wise and the negative impact it would have had on both my family and me. I marveled that the Lord was so quick to enlighten me on his law of health that very same evening.

To describe my situation: at 6 feet tall and weighing 220+ lbs, I was heading towards 230 lbs with no indication of stopping there. I had horrible sinus problems, migraine headaches, poor focus, and low energy. Terrible pain in my lower back had me in physical therapy and chiropractic care and was again threatening to put me back there, no pun intended. The flare-ups would often last for months at a time. Getting out of bed meant literally rolling out. Putting on my socks was near impossible due to my limited range of motion and the sharpness of the pain. Driving was unbearable during those times. There were also multiple skin issues, including a rather large and painful boils on my back that had to be surgically removed. There were infections and sickness that just repeated over and over again. There was increasing soreness and fatigue that left me depressed and feeling useless. I had become an unbearable version of myself.

So again, that night after finding the video, I was impressed that the Lord was guiding me. I saw the results of an unhealthy diet on the screen that related to what I was experiencing in my own life and knew I had more to do. The Lord had just answered a prayer that I hadn’t uttered or even known to ask. Then, a short time later, my oldest daughter, who became aware of what I was doing, invited me to join the Discovering the Word of Wisdom Facebook support group. It took me beyond vegan and opened Section 89 to me in a whole new light. As our friends of another faith always say, “God is Great.”

In my own experience I felt impressed to go all in. I’d seen many converts drop drinking and smoking among other things in the same manner when the gospel truths had been shared with them. I felt personally obligated to do the same after the spiritual feelings I had during my experience that evening.

Since that time so much has changed. I am physically much healthier having dropped around 30 lbs now. The multitude of health issues I suffered have now all but vanished. That’s not from eating less, but just from eating according to the whole food, plant-based (WFPB) lifestyle and completely ditching meat, eggs, dairy, cooking oils, soft drinks, and junk food. I haven’t been perfect at it I’m sure, but I do it the best I can. It wasn’t easy figuring out what to eat initially, but it has been getting easier as I’ve stuck with it.

The increased energy I felt led me to start running just 3 1/2 months later. I hadn’t run seriously since high school. I started with a very slow 3k. By mid-October I could run almost 17k. This last month, October 26th, I completed my first practice half marathon. I have received the promised blessing to run and not be weary, walk and not faint. I hope in the future to complete a full marathon if I can. I am eager to see where the WFPB lifestyle will take me next.

Physical health, although very important to me, was not the best part. My spiritual health has benefited the most. The light of the gospel in my life is brighter then ever. I no longer feel like God is just mindful of me. I know he is working on me. It’s a really good place to be. For the first time in a long time I’m genuinely optimistic. I felt so blessed as I attended the Sacramento Temple with my family at the end of August. What a tremendous blessing that was. I can’t believe everything that has occurred in just seven months. I can’t wait for the next seven.

I know the Lord’s return is close at hand. He is preparing us with all the new changes that have been made in his church. The work is hastening. Can you see it? He is preparing us for the great and dreadful things to come prior to his return. He wants us to be ready, both physically and spiritually. The Word of Wisdom has never been more important than it is right now in our time. The WFPB approach to that revelation is very cohesive with it. I recommend it above all others and share my experience when prompted.

I would like to thank Jane for her book, which had a great impact on me, and for all those who contribute to her support group and have shared their experiences. It has fostered a greater determination in my own life to be who God intends me to be. And for those who are on the fence or struggling, please know that it’s never too late or impossible with God. The adversary whispers that it is. It’s not. God knows us so much better then we know ourselves, and what we are truly capable of if we but serve him. I truly stand all amazed.

Michael Crowley (51) lives in Northern California. He grew up in the Church and served a full-time mission to Guatemala (Central America) in 1988. He and his lovely wife Wendy have four beautiful daughters. Their older daughters, Shannon and Michele, are currently attending BYU-Hawaii and will be graduating this semester. Their younger daughters, Natalie and Nichole, are in eighth and ninth grades and close on their older sisters’ heels.


Note from Jane: Many people have asked about the awesome shirts Mike is wearing in these photos. These were designed by his daughter, Natalie. You can check them out on her web page: https://wowlife.threadless.com.


  1. I love the faith Mike showed by his response to the direction the Lord gave him. I’m inspired by it. What if we all responded to God’s guidance with such child-like faith and a willingness to go “all in”? Thanks so much for sharing your faith and your story, Mike. It is powerful!

  2. You certainly were blessed with a miracle–a predictable miracle. Does that make it any less a miracle? Your results surely are a blessing.

  3. Your experience is very inspiring. Thank you for sharing it with everybody. And I love your sweatshirt! I need one too!

  4. What a wonderful testimony! Thanks so much for sharing it. I had a similar experience in praying to the Lord about something unrelated to health or diet and receiving an unmistakable prompting then and direction a few days later that led me to this website. I am so thankful for that guidance and for the Word of Wisdom and for all the help and resources that Jane and others have offered.

  5. Thank you for sharing!:) I want the sweatshirt too and the T-shirt:) congrats! Such a blessing! I have been wfpb for 3 years and seeing a lot of blessings:)

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