“My divine tap on the shoulder”

By: Marjorie Rice

On March 3, 2015, at age 76, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, a 8mm mucinous carcinoma in the right breast. It was especially devastating news because almost nine years earlier my husband George had suffered a massive brain bleed that left him completely paralyzed on one side. He was in a wheelchair with the use of only one hand, and I was his full-time caregiver; he needed me 24/7.

Five days after my diagnosis I watched a 10-minute video by Chris Wark, a young man who beat stage 3 colon cancer at age 26 by switching to a primarily plant-based diet. Ten years later he was still healthy and cancer free. That same day, my husband and I watched the documentary Forks Over Knives and were convinced of the scientific evidence of several physicians in the film showing that most, if not all, of the life-threatening diseases that afflict us can be prevented, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods and eating a whole-food, plant-based diet. Further, every nutrient our bodies need for optimal health is found in plants—vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, seeds, and nuts. I believed what I saw and heard.

I went to Doctrine and Covenants 89 and read again the Word of Wisdom and other scriptures that counsel us concerning food. Those scriptures confirmed everything I had just heard in the documentary. George and I were both convinced that we should follow this whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) way of eating.

Since my husband’s stroke I had been religiously following the American Heart Association’s diet: low-fat dairy, very little lean red meat, skinless poultry and fish, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables. Included was some processed foods, canned soups, etc. I felt it was a fairly healthy plan, but WFPB eating was a whole new concept.

The next day I went through my pantry, cabinets, freezer, and refrigerator and got rid of everything that didn’t comply with a WFPB diet. I was excited about it, but there was so much to learn—a whole new way to plan meals, shop, and prepare food.

In the meantime I had surgery to remove the tumor in my breast. The surgeon had planned to remove one or two lymph nodes as well, which would have weakened my right arm, the arm I used to help lift my husband. I told him to leave the lymph nodes intact. The treatment team thought I should have radiation treatments for several months, the known side effects of which are fatigue, burning, and swelling. I felt strongly I should decline radiation. It is the only time in my life that I didn’t follow doctors’ orders.

To my surprise, just a few days after we started eating the WFPB diet I began to lose weight without even trying. I was eating all the food I wanted, and I no longer had food cravings. In three months I had lost 35 pounds, and George had lost 25. We both felt so much better!

We are so thankful for the flood of information that came to us just when we needed it most. Since my surgery I have been cancer free. The arthritis in my hands disappeared, as did neuropathy in my feet.

A year later, in March 2016, the results of George’s lab work were amazing. He was no longer pre-diabetic, his blood sugar was down 83 points! His total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol had also improved dramatically. Every test result was excellent. The doctor was surprised and reduced some of his medications but wanted him to stay on blood thinners.

Sadly, just two and a half months later, George had a brain bleed that caused his death on May 19, 2016. The emergency room doctor said the bleed was caused by the blood thinner he was still taking, which I feel sure he no longer needed. But I have come to believe that it was his time, and he was called home. He had endured severe disabilities for nine and a half years with grace, courage and good humor. I know he is now enjoying the reward he has earned.

I have kept the weight off for almost four years now. I am turning 80 years old in April, and I take no medications. Since converting to a plant-based diet I’m often told I look like I’m in my late 60s. I certainly don’t feel 80! An added blessing of “discovering the Word of Wisdom” is knowing that I am not contributing to the slaughter of animals and the destruction of our planet.

I am so thankful for my good health and believe I am being blessed physically and spiritually by following this Word of Wisdom diet. My four daughters and I put together a cookbook of our favorite WFPB recipes and gave it to family and friends for Christmas in 2016. We love sharing with others what we have learned about this life-giving diet.

Marjorie Rice (almost 80!) lives in North Ogden, Utah and is a retired editor. A widow for nearly three years, she has four daughters, 22 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren. Marjorie enjoys writing, reading, graphic design, creating slide shows, recording family histories, and spending time with her family.



  1. I marvel at how quickly the Lord can work when we are receptive. I know Marjorie was sincere about wanting an answer because she immediately changed her ways when she found it. I’m touched by the love she and her husband shared, and I’m confident George is still rooting for Marjorie from beyond the veil. Thanks so much for sharing your story!

  2. Beautiful story…God always tells us what we need to hear if we will listen. How sad that your husband passed because of a doctor’s ignorance.

  3. Marjorie…I would love for you to send me some info on this diet you are on. I am very interested, if you don’t mind sharing it.

  4. Marjorie, I love your story. Thank you for sharing. I’m trying to put together a potluck group for the North Ogden area. Would you like to join in? I’m trying to stay motivated and “up” as I care for my husband while he slowly transitions from this life to the next.

  5. Yes, what a beautiful story. Thank you for bearing testimony of God’s love for all His children, specifically the blessings that come from exercising faith through keeping His commandments, following the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and gracefully accepting His will. Thank you.

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