“I don’t ever want to go back to the way we were eating”

By: Amy Wells

I didn’t realize how sick I was.

Growing up, I ate mainly the Standard American Diet (SAD). I was aware that some foods were healthier than others, but I didn’t know why or how that affected my body. I would get sick a lot with what I now identify as chronic sinus infections. I have very early memories of my knees aching, often causing weakness and pain that stayed with me well into my adult years. In college, I visited a GI specialist because of some things I felt were off. He did some tests and couldn’t find anything wrong. So, he suggested, “Well, you could try going off gluten and see if that helps.”

While on my mission, I was overcome with such severe knee aches that I was not able to do much of what was required of me. I sought a priesthood blessing from the ward mission leader. In the blessing, he told me to look to the Word of Wisdom for answers. At the time I studied it, but didn’t change much about the way I was eating. Now I know that blessing was God trying to tell me how my body can be healed from the inflammation in my knees that was causing these life-long problems.

When I married my husband, we decided not to wait to have children. But, my menstrual cycle needed some regularity so I took metformin to deal with symptoms of PCOS. All these things I thought were just part of life and what my body did.

My husband has always enjoyed being fit but has had problems with muscle inflammation, regular ear infections and headaches for years. He didn’t enjoy broccoli or nuts when we married. But, when he found that they are “good for you,” he started eating them with great enjoyment. When he began to develop digestive issues, we really began to look for answers. I was willing to help him on his journey, but I didn’t feel like I needed to “get healthy.” I did think it would be good to lose a few pounds of baby weight after my second child was born.

Through his research, he learned about Whole Food Plant Based eating by reading The China Study which led him to other resources of knowledge. He was all on board right away. Me, not so much. I felt overwhelmed with the thought of cutting out meat, eggs and dairy from my cooking and figuring out how to  feed my family this way. However, I did believe what I was learning could improve our health. So, I was willing to start progressing this way. Continuous study from reliable resources has been a great motivator to keep trying.

We also studied scriptures and prayed specifically to know how to make this transition, especially when it comes to social situations and others who were not as supportive. As we learned more, we were excited to find other members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints that have transitioned to more Whole Foods and Plants from their study of the Word of Wisdom. I didn’t fully make the connection until then. God asks us to use meats “sparingly” and “it is pleasing unto [Him] that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.” (D&C 89:12,13) Why had I not trusted in His word?

Right then I realized, I had not had knee aches since I stopped eating meat and dairy. The blessing on my mission had been realized. Also, inflammation and arthritis in my wrists and ankles had disappeared. Pains and tightness in my back and feet were not stopping me from jumping out of bed anymore. I could get on the floor and play with my children and get up again without trouble. My menstrual cycle was regulated. I no longer got a sinus infection once or twice a month. No more gas, bloating, and constipation. I quickly lost the extra body weight while never needing to go hungry. My mind was clearer, and I found treasures of knowledge, especially in how God wants me to treat and think about my body. As I nourish my body with the right foods, I am able to see how God has helped my body heal in many ways beyond the knee inflammation.

My husband has also experienced healing. His inflamed wrists and hips have greatly improved and his ear infections have disappeared. His headaches and digestive issues have not completely gone away, but he now understands that they come mainly from lack of sleep and stressing about work. And because we have found that treasure of knowledge, he is able to minimize the effects.

I don’t ever want to go back to the way we were eating. I have seen too much good. My body and my spirit feel more alive. And I know it will only get better from here.

Amy Wells is 36 years old and lives in Cache Valley Utah. She is a former Special Education Teacher and recently became an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach in her desire to contribute to the health of her community. Amy has been married to her best friend, Jeremy, for 10 years. They have two young children. She enjoys spending her time training for half marathons, cooking, reading, and developing strong relationships with her children. You can connect with her on Instagram @wells_nourishment.


  1. It is not uncommon for a married couple to not be fully in sync when beginning a whole food, plant-based diet, but with caring and patience, their support of each other can work miracles. I love this story of someone who definitely was not on board at first and yet still experienced the miracles that came from following wise counsel. Way to go, Amy!

  2. Thanks for sharing your story. I am mostly WFPB but with my family and friends I sometimes eat the gifts they bring me. I don’t know one person (besides my You-Tube friends) who eat WFBP. It hasn’t improved my blood work like I thought it would but it has helped a lot with inflammation. I believe for me WFBP is the best route.

  3. Thank you for your inspiring story. I love the extra motivation these stories bring to help me continue on my quest to having the healthiest body I can. I would also like to recommend a documentary. It’s called “Secret Ingredients“. It explains how important it is to eat organic and non GMO foods. If we eat the sprays and poisons that are on foods it is like continuously taking an antibiotic because these chemicals destroy all the good bacteria and lining of our digestive system. Goes right along with “conspiring men in the last days”. Not only do we need to eat a plant based whole food diet, but we need to eat clean food.

  4. “Back To Eden” by Jethro Kloss is a great learnig tool for anyone interested in health. Was written in 1935 older writings knew more back then more than we give them credit. Great read .

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