In D&C 89:12, the Lord tells us:
Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly.
What might sparingly mean?
I do not believe there is one “right answer” to this question. The Lord gives us this counsel, and allows us to determine through our own prayer and study what it means for us. The following is the result of my own study and reflection on this question.
Here are some definitions of the word sparingly from the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary:
- Not abundantly.
- Frugally; parsimoniously; not lavishly.
- Abstinently; moderately.
- Seldom; not frequently.
- Cautiously; tenderly.
One definition of sparingly in the Oxford English Dictionary is, “In a sparing or saving manner.” Hugh Nibley suggests it means “sparing God’s creatures.”
I once heard a disconcerting podcast report on the intensive use of antibiotics in the animal industry, which has been a major factor in the dramatic increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria (superbugs). This contributes to over 23,000deaths a year in America, and even more concerning it could one day make routine surgeries life threatening (as in days gone by). Someone in the podcast stated emphatically that antibiotics should be used “sparingly.” This makes sense. There is a role for antibiotics. They can be life-saving for sure! No doubt God inspired their creation for the use of humans. But unless they are needed, they should not be used because using them when they are not vital is leading to some very serious health consequences. In fact, it may one day threaten our entire healthcare system.
As I thought about how important it is to use antibiotics sparingly, it made me think again about the Lord’s counsel to use meat sparingly. The flesh of animals is ordained for our use. Like antibiotics, it can be life-saving in certain circumstances (times when there is no other food available), but just like antibiotics, when it is used routinely without need it can actually be health destroying. In fact, the widespread use of meat and other animal products is threatening our healthcare system by contributing to a huge burden of chronic disease that is largely preventable.
Perhaps this is why the Lord goes on to state:
And it is pleasing unto me that they [flesh of animals] should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine” (D&C 89:13).
This is reiterated, perhaps even clarified, in verse 15:
And these [animals] hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger. (D&C 89:15)
The word sparingly certainly encompasses “not abundantly,” but given verses 13 and 15, I wonder if in this context the word sparingly may mean as little as is needed.
If the Lord were to ask us to discipline our children sparingly, we would probably not assume that we had to discipline them at least a little, regardless of their behavior. We would not feel we had to punish them, at least a little, even if they were perfectly obedient. No, we would understand that we should discipline them as little as is needed and, when not needed, not at all.
Even though I grew up reading these verses in the Word of Wisdom, it never occurred to me that they may suggest I might consider cutting out meat entirely. It was not until I studied the potential negative health affects of eating animal foods and also the potential heath rewards of eliminating them that I started to read these verses differently. Once I was convinced that we are much better off when we can eliminate these foods from our diet, I finally understood how much wisdom there is in the word sparingly. I’m grateful for this from counsel from the Lord.
For more on this topic:
Chapter 2 – The Flesh of Beasts
Last updated May 3, 2019