Archive for sinus infection

“I don’t ever want to go back to the way we were eating”

By: Amy Wells

I didn’t realize how sick I was.

Growing up, I ate mainly the Standard American Diet (SAD). I was aware that some foods were healthier than others, but I didn’t know why or how that affected my body. I would get sick a lot with what I now identify as chronic sinus infections. I have very early memories of my knees aching, often causing weakness and pain that stayed with me well into my adult years. In college, I visited a GI specialist because of some things I felt were off. He did some tests and couldn’t find anything wrong. So, he suggested, “Well, you could try going off gluten and see if that helps.”

While on my mission, I was overcome with such severe knee aches that I was not able to do much of what was required of me. I sought a priesthood blessing from the ward mission leader. In the blessing, he told me to look to the Word of Wisdom for answers. At the time I studied it, but didn’t change much about the way I was eating. Now I know that blessing was God trying to tell me how my body can be healed from the inflammation in my knees that was causing these life-long problems.

When I married my husband, we decided not to wait to have children. But, my menstrual cycle needed some regularity so I took metformin to deal with symptoms of PCOS. All these things I thought were just part of life and what my body did.

My husband has always enjoyed being fit but has had problems with muscle inflammation, regular ear infections and headaches for years. He didn’t enjoy broccoli or nuts when we married. But, when he found that they are “good for you,” he started eating them with great enjoyment. When he began to develop digestive issues, we really began to look for answers. I was willing to help him on his journey, but I didn’t feel like I needed to “get healthy.” I did think it would be good to lose a few pounds of baby weight after my second child was born.

Through his research, he learned about Whole Food Plant Based eating by reading The China Study which led him to other resources of knowledge. He was all on board right away. Me, not so much. I felt overwhelmed with the thought of cutting out meat, eggs and dairy from my cooking and figuring out how to  feed my family this way. However, I did believe what I was learning could improve our health. So, I was willing to start progressing this way. Continuous study from reliable resources has been a great motivator to keep trying.

We also studied scriptures and prayed specifically to know how to make this transition, especially when it comes to social situations and others who were not as supportive. As we learned more, we were excited to find other members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints that have transitioned to more Whole Foods and Plants from their study of the Word of Wisdom. I didn’t fully make the connection until then. God asks us to use meats “sparingly” and “it is pleasing unto [Him] that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.” (D&C 89:12,13) Why had I not trusted in His word?

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“The Word of Wisdom has never been more important than it is right now”

By Michael Crowley

My journey into the plant-based lifestyle seems trivial in light of many other stories I’ve read about here. Still I hope it’s one that gives encouragement to those just starting out like I was not so long ago. I am very motivated and excited about sharing the benefits I’ve experienced with others.

I remember reading about Jane Birch’s experience where she said something like, “Some people get an answer about the Word of Wisdom before even praying about it.” That was pretty much my experience in a nutshell. My wife and I had been going through some challenges. On the evening of Sunday, April 14, 2019, I prayed not for help but to recommit myself to the Lord. Then something miraculous happened. Later that evening, while scrolling on social media, I came across a friend’s post with a link to a video on Netflix called What the Health. Usually I would have just kept scrolling, but I felt for some reason I should check it out. As I watched the video, things started to click for me. The Word of Wisdom was suddenly front and center in my thoughts to the extent that it felt as if God was suddenly speaking to me.

Even though I had not been in good health, I really had not even been thinking about the Word of Wisdom at all. While watching the video, the beam in my eye of “vegans being strange” was removed, and my mind was suddenly open to the message being shared. I clearly recognized the health issues presented as the same ones I had previously thought of as the normal effects of aging or bad luck. I now understood what was causing them, and I was impressed at how many of the chronic diseases that had impacted my extended family over the years were being addressed.

Again the Word of Wisdom had not even been on my thought horizon that evening, but the Lord was mindful of me. He surely knew where I was headed health wise and the negative impact it would have had on both my family and me. I marveled that the Lord was so quick to enlighten me on his law of health that very same evening.

To describe my situation: at 6 feet tall and weighing 220+ lbs, I was heading towards 230 lbs with no indication of stopping there. I had horrible sinus problems, migraine headaches, poor focus, and low energy. Terrible pain in my lower back had me in physical therapy and chiropractic care and was again threatening to put me back there, no pun intended. The flare-ups would often last for months at a time. Getting out of bed meant literally rolling out. Putting on my socks was near impossible due to my limited range of motion and the sharpness of the pain. Driving was unbearable during those times. There were also multiple skin issues, including a rather large and painful boils on my back that had to be surgically removed. There were infections and sickness that just repeated over and over again. There was increasing soreness and fatigue that left me depressed and feeling useless. I had become an unbearable version of myself.

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“We were all blown away by the power of these simple dietary changes”

By: Danielle Dinkelman

In the Fall of 2016 I started diving into some Netflix food documentaries. That was the first time I seriously considered the idea of shifting to a whole food, plant-based way of eating. I had been a mom on a mission for the last year and a half to eliminate processed foods and added sugars from our diet. My husband and four little ones (ages 7, 4, 3, and 1 at the time) had come a long way, but I was looking for the next step.

It was the movie Fat Sick & Nearly Dead that really got my attention. I remember Joe Cross pointing out that by definition the only foods that contain fiber are plant foods. Having suffered from digestive issues my whole growing up years, this was an answer I had never considered: eat less animal products. Then there was the point on inflammation and the immune system. In the film he explained how when we eat inflammatory foods, especially dairy and sugar, our immune system is weakened. I finished watching that movie, determined to add more fruits and vegetables to our diet, and maybe start avoiding dairy.

The next few months, I experimented with these ideas on myself and my kids. It was the perfect time to test these ideas out because it was the height of cold and flu season. So, when we started to get the sniffles or a sore throat, we would cut out all dairy and all sugar. I saw a dramatic difference in our ability to stave off infections. When we did get a full-on cold, the kids and I were able to get over it so much faster than before. Instead of 7 to 10 days or more, it only took us 3 to 5 days at the most to get better. I was amazed at how predictably well this worked, so much so that I started to wonder why I was feeding my kids dairy at all.

My husband was unaware of my experiments until he himself was going on month 3 of a chronic sinus infection where drugs had not helped at all. I told him about the success the kids and I had with ditching dairy and sugar to kick our colds. I asked him to just try it and see what happened. He did, and it only took 7 days for him to feel the symptoms start to subside. We were all blown away by the power of these simple dietary changes.

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“I have discovered the Fountain of Youth”

By: Jamie Douglass

My whole life, since I was 16, I have yo-yo dieted. I had a boyfriend tell me that I could lose a hundred pounds and I would still be fat. Even though I knew he was exaggerating on the amount, his message was very clear to me, you will never be skinny enough. So, I turned to the world in telling me how I should eat to look good and feel good. I have tried every diet out there, and I could never stick with any of them.

This last summer, I ordered a new diet supplement. I felt so crummy and was desperate to try anything. I had been dealing with years of chronic fatigue, chronic sinus infections, and chronic headaches. My new supplement came in the mail on a Thursday but on Friday I was starting a fast over a personal struggle and decided to wait to start the new supplement.

During my fast, I became surprised when I got an overwhelming feeling that I should not start the new diet supplement. Confused as to why I was getting these feelings when I wasn’t even thinking about that, the words entered my mind, “Jamie, the Lord has provided a Law of Health.” It was if a light bulb when on in my head, and I remember thinking, “Duh, the Word of Wisdom.” I went to D&C 89 and immediately gained greater insight into the diet portion of the Word of Wisdom and specifically the instruction on the use of meat. I was blown away that this portion of the Word of Wisdom has never really been discussed or talked about.

I grew up on a dairy farm and meat was a staple in our home. I love my parents, they are wonderful examples to me and I wouldn’t trade anything for my upbringing. There are so many benefits to growing up on a farm. Learning hard work was one of them. Anyway, two days later I was at a good friend’s home and as I was walking out the door she said, “I feel you need to read this book” and gave me the book Discovering the Word of Wisdom. I got halfway through the book and didn’t even finish it. I knew it was true and immediately transitioned over to a plant based diet. I have since been on a journey of diving deep into the doctrines and teachings of this part of the Word of Wisdom. I am a nurse and so I have also been studying the science side of a whole food, plant-based diet, as well as the benefits.

Six months later here are the results Read More→

“I haven’t had a single migraine headache in years”

Stacey PetersonBy: Stacey Peterson

My journey to a whole food, plant based diet was a gradual process that began in 2010 and took six years to fully implement. Nights home alone plus a Netflix subscription led me to watch several food and diet-related documentaries over the years such as Hungry For Change, Fed Up, Food, Inc., and one of my favorites, Forks Over Knives. For the first time in my life I started to actually think about what I was putting into my body and how it was affecting me. I’d never struggled with my weight, but I knew that weight wasn’t the only indicator of health, and I did suffer with frequent and debilitating sinus infections and migraine headaches. I didn’t feel right about the powerful medications and their frightening side effects that doctors were prescribing for me. I really felt strongly that my body wasn’t designed to be sick and that my ailments would benefit more from prevention than from questionable medications to mask the symptoms.

As I read and researched for my own health, I couldn’t help but think about my babies—the loves of my life who I would do anything and everything to protect. When I set plates of food in front of them, I wondered if what I was putting into their bodies was helping or hurting them. What was I teaching them that “food” is? How was I training their taste buds? Since I was choosing their food, did that mean I was also choosing health consequences for their little bodies that could possibly last a lifetime, without their say in the matter?

I continued reading books on nutrition, studying, learning, and gradually replacing harmful ingredients with better choices one at a time as my knowledge increased. I think high fructose corn syrup was the first thing to go. Hey, we all have to start somewhere! One change led to another, and by the time 2016 rolled around, I couldn’t remember the last time the inside of our fridge had seen a gallon of cow’s milk, a carton of eggs, a block of cheese, or a piece of meat. They had been replaced by a wide variety of whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, and we were enjoying our meals more than ever before. We sure had come a long way since the high fructose corn syrup ban!

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