Share your story of adopting a whole food, plant-based diet!

Jane Birch in brownEach week, it is a miracle that I have yet another story to share on this site. This miracle depends on people like you and people you may know! Please consider sharing your story or encouraging someone you know to share their story (see below). If you are not yet eating a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet, consider making that your goal (see below).

If you’d like to connect with other Latter-day Saints who are interested in a WFPB diet, please check out the WFPB Word of Wisdom Friends Map (see below).

Share Your Story

Each plant-based conversion story is a treasure. Each one inspires me and encourages many more on their path.

If you are enjoying the benefits and blessings of a WFPB diet, you undoubtedly have been helped by the many who have gone before you. Sharing your story is a great way to give back and to encourage both those who are on this path and also those still trying to decide whether or not to make this important change.

Please consider sharing your story. Please also encourage other people you know to share their stories. I need every story!

You do not need to have a “miracle” story. Nor do you need to be “perfect” on this diet. Nor do you need to write well or have a lot of time to write. Simply write your story as you’d tell it to a friend, and send it to me. I will help with the editing and suggest additional details as needed. This is really simple, and you can do it!

For more suggestions on how to write your story, go here: Share Your Story.

Adopt a WFPB Diet

If you are not yet eating a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet, why wait any longer? With the holiday season here and a new year around the corner, now is the perfect time to begin. Whether you want to take baby steps or jump in with two feet, this series of articles I wrote for Meridian Magazine can help!

  • Why Start Now?” — The article focuses on the reasons why adopting a WFPB diet can be a game changer in your life and why you should consider doing this now so that you can start reaping the tremendous benefits and blessings.
  • Baby Steps to a WFPB diet — There are many ways to take baby steps into a WFPB diet. In this article I outline four of them.
  • Why Go Cold Turkey? — While the “baby step” approach is popular, going “cold turkey” has its own, amazing benefits. In this article, I share the compelling reasons for taking this approach.
  • Strategies for Going Cold Turkey — If you’d like to go cold turkey, there are ways to be prepared that will increase your chances of being successful. In this article, I share ten key strategies for going cold turkey.
  • Maximum Weight Loss Principles — If you are already eating a WFPB diet but you want to lose more weight, following the maximum weight loss principles is a surefire way to lose additional pounds!

Whichever path you take, I’m more than happy to help in any way I can. Please feel free to contact me.

Word of Wisdom Friends Map

The WFPB Word of Wisdom Friends Map is designed to help people connect with other Latter-day Saints in their local area who are interested in this lifestyle.

View the map to find others living close to you. Contact them so you can find ways to help and support each other. View the Word of Wisdom Friends Map

Please consider putting your name on the map so that others living in your area might be able to find you (and you can find them). This site is public, but only those who have the URL can find it, so it is also fairly private (your name does not show up on search engines!). Add your name to the Word of Wisdom Friends Map

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone for reading and supporting this site! I deeply appreciate your stories, comments, and emails. It is great to be part of the wonderful WFPB community.

Jane Birch

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